There are many things that we need to do to conserve our valuable things. There are many kinds of valuable things. It can be a money,material things or love ones. Valuable things is very important to us, we always need it and also can be our wants.We should conserve it and give importance to oue things. Water is also a valuable thing/ We should also conserve it, especially now that we are suffering crisis when it omes in water. There are many ways how to conserve water. Best example of that is, we should use a glass while we are brushing our teeth.Simple as that, we can conserve water in a day.Money is also a valuable thing. We should conserve it. We can conserve our money by sharing it or investing. We can also keep it at our bank accounts and budget it on how we will spend it to our material wants and needs. We all know that money can provide us all what we need and what we want.We, as a mankind in this world we should know how to conserve and give importance in each valuable things that we have. Me as a student, I have many valuable things, but not all of these is Im giving it importance. Sometimes, I forgot what is the role of one thing in my daily life and I don't even care when I am already wasting it. Now I will try my best to conserve all valuable things that I have.
There are many suggested solutions about employment. First,(1)Promote investments: local and foreign. In our age right now, we can invest our allowance, we should know how to keep our allowance be budget. Second,(2) Create an atmosphere of peace and order. We should prevent crimes in our society, so we can invest properly and take care our money. The third one(3) is Legislate laws conducive investments. Our investors want their investments legally protected. We should apply or make a law that can protect us and our investments. Fourth (4) Promote industrial peace. Industrial peace increases production and income for labor and management. Fifth(5) and last, Encourage to offer entrepreneurial course. Students like us should be trained in entrepreneurial activities and it can lead us to the creation of more business and jobs.
These are some suggested solutions about Unemployment.
Population explosion is considered as one of the indisputable alarming obstacles that stand on the path of the less developed countries. These countries produce great numbers in terms of human resources because the birth rate is much higher than in the rich countries, but the rate of employment and production in the poor
countries is very low. Definitely this is a very serious problem that the government should never take for granted.The Philippines belong to the group of these “less developed countries.” And as we all know, the growth of population in our country is unstoppable. In fact, the Philippine population is one of the fastest growing countries in the world. It is estimated that 3,000 Filipino babies are born every day, 100,000 every month, or one million a year to round.
There are many effects of population explosion in the Philippines. First,(1)Poverty; Filipinos more become poor and suffer hunger in their daily life. When a one Filipino family consist of 5-10 members, they can affect our population. Mostly, poor families have more members in their family. Their Major problem is their food t eat. Usually, the mother and father have no work or we call this unemployed. Population is the main source of their problem. Second and last (2)effect of population explosion is the Management of the Philippines. We all know, our new president Noynoy Aquino "P-NOY" will also be challenge in this problem. He will try to control the birth rate so that our population will be controlled in increasing the numbers. These ae the effects of population explosion for me.
On Friday, 9th of July 2010 will be the Election in Graceland Christian College. This week will be pressured for me as a Scomel(Student Commelec), I will make the Ballot that will be using on the election. The candidates will have a room to room campaign on Monday and Tuesday. On Monday only one party will have a room to room campaign, and its Ronnille's party(HEART) and On Tuesday will be the campaign of Wene's party(Happiness). On Thursday, there will be the Meeting de Avance of the two parties. I wish them a Goodluck!. I hope that there will be no problems in this incoming days.